Vietnam ready to face host France at Volleyball Women’s Challenger Cup

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese women’s volleyball team arrived in Paris on Wednesday for the FIVB Volleyball Women’s Challenger Cup 2023, which will run from Thursday to Sunday in Laval, France.
Vietnam ready to face host France at Volleyball Women’s Challenger Cup  - ảnh 1Vietnam's volleyball women's team ready to face host France at the 2023 FIVB Challenger Cup (Photo: VOV)

Vietnam will face host France in their first match on Thursday.

Speaking at a welcome ceremony for the team at the Vietnamese Embassy’s headquarters, Ambassador Le Thi Hong Van, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to UNESCO, congratulated the team for entering the quarterfinal level of the tournament. The team is the pride of Vietnamese sports, she said, adding that she hopes the team will do their best.

Team captain Tran Thi Thanh Thuy, said, “I’m happy that we have the chance to compete in France. With a balanced lineup, I think we have a strong bond as a team and a youthful spirit, which are our strong points.”

The FIVB Challenger Cup 2023 brings together 8 teams, including host France at 21st place in the world ranking, Colombia at 17, Mexico at 19, Ukraine at 20, Croatia at 25, Sweden at 28, Kenya at 29, and Vietnam at 47. 

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